Wednesday, April 18, 2007

To Live In The Moment

It's a concept I cannot grasp, or can I?

*my* version of living right now...

- disregard all cleaning responsibilities to have *fun* until something smells and you can't find it..

- procrastinate things like 'grocery shopping' until you've successfully hit every fast food chain within a mile.

-Decide to clean clothes after they're piling the floor because you've put off putting the *clean* clothes laying around in the actual hampers. Oh, and then put away the piles of clothes you once folded and stacked on your dresser THREE loads of laundry ago..

- Disregard pieces of paper that say "ToDo" and instead use them as coasters, inevitabley spilling - thereby making illegible blotted ink marks and the ToDo list pointless.

-Leave the new 12pk of glasses sitting on the counter because it is easier to reach a glass off the counter instead of in the cupboard.

-Lose all 4 calendars you've printed out and placed in convenient places so you know what the hell is going on at all times.

-Forget important doses of *crazypills* and drink with the ones you actually remember to take.

-Forget to call friends and wish them happy birthdays but remember to tell everyone about the free Subway meal you got last night..

-Leave any and all homework until the last minute because it seems as though life is more fun like a doped up rockstar and school can always wait..

somtimes. only sometimes. I wonder about myself.